If you would like to have an item shipped to an address other than your billing address, please call us 1-888-954-2009 At this time we only ship our products to the 48 contiguous United States.
Your order will be shipped by a ground carrier (UPS, Fed-Ex etc.), or freight carrier (semi truck), depending on the weight of your order. If your order is ground shipped, it will arrive in one or more boxes. If your order is shipped via Semi-truck (freight carrier); your order will arrive on one or more pallets that are delivered curbside with packing material. The freight carrier's responsibility is to deliver the pallet(s) at the base of your driveway, no other responsibilities should be assumed. Freight carrier will not and cannot assist in the unpacking, unloading, movement or placement of the product. The freight carrier will make a delivery appointment prior to arrival. Customer is responsible to be present and sign the Bill of Lading for shipment and inspect merchandise for any damages. Any damages must be noted on Bill of Lading at time of delivery. Customer is responsible for the disposal of all packing material. Our products can be very heavy and need to be handled with extreme care. Additional people or equipment may be necessary for handling, unpacking, movement and set up of items. It is a good idea to have additional people to assist you.
If your item has “forklift required to unload” in the description, you must have a forklift with a qualified operator onsite at time of delivery. Forklift must be able to safely lift the weight of your order. Some items may also require 6’ or 8’ fork extenders. Forklifts and other equipment can easily be rented at your local equipment rental store.
We only ship to the contiguous 48 states. Customers with a limited access address such as seasonal roads, gated communities, islands, peninsulas, rural route roads or any other instances that will not allow our trucks to safely deliver may incur additional charges, delays or cancellation of your order. Please contact us if your think this may apply to your order.
Due to the nature of our product, it is very difficult to calculate shipping. Some products may calculate ground shipping on our website, but to be delivered safely, may need to be delivered by freight carrier. If this occurs, we will contact you. We do reserve the right to cancel your order if shipping was not calculated properly.
Customer is responsible for being present at time of delivery, have proper equipment and assistance for unpacking shipment, disposing of packing materials and inspecting for damage. Contact must be made to Potteryland-Online within 48 hours if item is damaged or missing parts. Proof of damage may be necessary, and customer may need to photograph damage.
If you have any questions, please contact us prior to ordering.
If you see the following graphic in any color, that item WILL ship on a semi truck.
Ships Via: 
Shipping Zones & Rates for non "Penny Shipping Items"
Prices are estimates only. Shipping charge is to be calculated at time of checkout.
 | Zone 2 - Shipping cost range from $425 - $495
|  | Zone 1 - Shipping cost range from $350 - $450 |
*Shipping rates may increase, and are subject to change without notice, if there is a problem with a shipping price you will be contacted within 24 hours of your purchase. Click here to read our Terms of Service.